Spray Foam and Polyurethane Coating used for Unique Secondary Containment Job

Spray Foam and Polyurethane Coating used for Unique Secondary Containment Job

January, 2009 - Billings, NY - Envirotite Services, LLC of Hackettstown, NJ has experience using spray foam and polyurea protective coatings for a wide range of applications. When the company was recently approached with a job that required some ingenuity and innovative thinking, they used this experience to determine that spray foam was a perfect fit. The job entailed the expansion of an existing secondary containment berm at Petro Heating & Oil Services in Billings, NY. In order to expand the capacity of the structure, the existing liner was cut and folded away from the structure in order to build a new steel containment enclosure. Envirotite’s task was to reattach the liner to the new steel enclosure.

“When we were first brought in, the engineer was uncertain on the material to use as a cant between the new steel wall and the existing liner. The original spec called for polyurethane caulk but that would not have been adequate so we suggested using polyurethane foam to tie in the two pieces,” explains Dominick Desiderio of Envirotite.

secondary containment using spray foam and coatings

Spray Foam is used as a "substrate" to tie into existing materials and allow new coating to bond.

After sandblasting both the steel and the liner, a prime coat was applied to the prepared surfaces. Polyurethane foam was then sprayed at the base of the steel and onto the liner. Next, a 25 mil layer of Futura Geothane 5020 plural component polyurethane was applied with a Gusmer H-20/35 Hydraulic Proportioner. A 70 mil geotextile fabric was then laid into the wet polyurethane. A top coat of the Futura polyurethane was applied at 50 mils to finish the job which took a total of five days to complete.

secondary containment using spray foam and coatings secondary containment using spray foam and coatings
New Wall Structure
Sprayed Containment Liner


Added On: Feb 12, 2009
Categories: Protective Coatings, Spray Foam Contractors
Tags: Protective Coatings

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