SprayFoam Magazine Documents

Ventilation Guide

Unconditioned Spaces New
Application of DC315 in unconditioned space and exterior applications. read more

How to Measure Wet Film

DC315 Master Specification
Guide Specifications – Alternate Thermal and Ignition Barrier read more

DC315 Data and Application Guide
DC315 is the most tested and approved product for use as an Alternative Thermal Barrier or Ignition Barrier Coating for Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF). read more

Spray Foam Insulation and Termites
This CPI document addresses questions pertaining to inspection for, and treatment of, potential termite infestations in buildings using SPF insulation. It provides basic information about termite identification, inspection and treatments methods as well as discusses the importance of air-sealing and insulation of critical areas using SPF. It also presents code-compliant solutions to address these concerns. read more

Unvented Attic Fire Testing based on Oxygen Depletion
The attached document is a letter regarding the potential problems related to oxygen depletion fire testing. If you have any questions, please contact me to discuss. Regards, Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. Roger V. Morrison, PE, RRC President Office: 276-755-9162 Mobile: 336-429-7922 Fax: 866-441-1054 www.deer-ridge-consulting.com 505 Deer Ridge Lane Ararat, VA 24053 read more

SPF and Military Usage: By Huntsman
- "The Army and SPF at Home": An Energy Saving, Sustainable Solution. - "The Army and SPF in Theater": Saving Energy and Money, Providing Soldier Comfort. read more

A Lifetime of Value
Along the Massachusetts Coast, sits Scituate, a town known for its commercial fishing fleet, the Scituate Lighthouse and the Lawson Tower. Another thing Scituate is known for is its weather – mild during the summer, when temperatures tend to be in the 70s, and very cold and wet during winter, when temperatures tend to be in the 20s. When designing homes for this coastal town, builders must take into consideration the cold climate coupled with an average rainfall of 51 inches per year. read more

A Big Splash: Closed Cell SPF Meets the Challenge of an Indoor Pool in a Cold Climate
MZO Group of Boston, Massachusetts was tasked with a challenging problem: design and build an indoor, heated pool in a cold, snowy Massachusetts environment, a scenario which could lead to moisture problems. To add to the challenge, the pool house had to be isolated from the rest of the newly constructed home along a shared 35 ft. common wall. read more

A Cottage Revival: Renovation of a Cottage Begins with Closed Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam
A pair of cottages sit along the water in Eastern Maryland. One is leaky, energy inefficient and uncomfortable. The other is airtight, energy efficient and comfortable all year round. Both cottages were built in the 1930-1940s. Both cottages had taken a beating from the cold, moist Maryland weather without sufficient upkeep from the owners. When the cottages were recently purchased, the new owners aimed to give them a new lease on life starting with a “to-the-studs” renovation of one them. read more

Polyurethane Insulation:Reducing Building Energy Consumption
• ~40% of the overall U.S. energy demand goes into the building sector • ~40% of the energy used in buildings goes into heating and cooling • PU insulation in the building envelope can reduce heating and cooling energy loads significantly read more

Reducing Energy and Improving Comfort by Huntsman
In a typical neighborhood, a typical 1950s house stood: under-insulated, leaky and uncomfortable with high heating and cooling bills. The owners kept the thermostat setting conservative, because setting it higher was “a waste of energy.” Literally, this was the case, as the home had: • A few inches of disintegrating insulation on the attic floor • Uninsulated subfloors • Uninsulated basement walls and rim joist • Leaky building envelope • Uninsulated and leaky ducts read more

SPF Enables Timely, Cost-Effective Renovations
During the recent renovation of the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center, spray polyurethane foam (SPF) was used in two different applications to solve unique problems. The first involved insulating a number of guest room walls with CertainTeed’s CertaSpray® Closed Cell Foam Insulation. The second utilized the structural properties of CertaSpray Closed Cell Foam Insulation to create a new bar and lounge in the Cascades Atrium. read more

Houston, We Have a Solution
Uncomfortable rooms and high energy bills are common problems. Some of these problems can be found in homes that are 100 years old. But, many of these problematic homes were built just 5, 10 or 15 years ago. This two-story home near Houston, Texas is a perfect example of a relatively new, poorly performing home. Like most frustrated homeowners, the first call went to heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) contractor... read more

A Study in Sustainable Living by Huntsman
When Cleantech, a green residential development and consulting company, began conceiving a sustainable showcase home, its top priority was to reduce energy usage in both a sustainable and aesthetically-pleasing fashion. Cleantech built a strong foundation for sustainability by first designing a building enclosure that would stand up to the heating demands in New England. read more

Cost Comparison: Closed Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation
With the demand for improved energy efficiency, increasingly stringent code requirements and rigorous consumer expectations, the overall performance of building enclosures has received a surge of industry focus. One of the components receiving elevated attention in design is the selection of insulation materials. read more

Severe Weather and Walls/Roofs
Severe Weather and Walls/Roofs: The case for using spray polyurethane foam (SPF) in hurricane zones read more

Energy Performance and Closed-Cell Spray Foam: A Better Building Technology
Superior energy performance depends largely on creating a better building envelope. Use of closed-cell spray polyurethane foam (ccSPF) as insulation provides consistent and unparalleled airtightness, thermal performance, and moisture-control benefits. Authoritative research confirms the cost effectiveness and suitability of ccSPF. read more