SPFA’s 2024 Vision

SPFA’s 2024 Vision
Shown above (left to right) Kelly Marcavage (SPFA deputy director), Frank Mortl III (SPFA executive director), Kevin O’Connor (S prayFoam 2024 Convention keynote speaker), Lisa Smith (membership director) and Bonnie Strickler (current SPFA president) in L
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SPRAY FOAM MAGAZINE – Greetings to all spray foam contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and stakeholders. As the recently appointed Executive Director of the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA), I’d like to take the opportunity to share my vision for the organization - widely recognized as a key educational and technical resource.  

My capable predecessor Rick Duncan, along with talented SPFA staff supported by a dedicated volunteer-led Board of Directors and committees, notably accomplished much over the past several years and I am happy to report the organization is healthy and thriving. As you are likely aware, SPFA has been delivering substantial benefits and services to members for decades. Going forward, we will look to engage with an even wider community of industry participants in an effort to expand collaborative partnerships, professional certifications, legislative adovacy, and member engagement.

It's thrilling to come into this role witnessing firsthand the genuine enthusiasm so many individuals have for SPFA, as well as the overall energy of the entire spray foam industry. This vital sector of construction brings key sustainable building envelope and roofing solutions to architects, builders, facility owners, and homeowners across the world. A primary goal of mine is to listen, understand and respond to the needs of SPFA members, while vigorously promoting the use of spray foam on a global scale.

Critical SPFA leadership initiatives designed to grow the businesses of members include:

Collaborative Partnerships – Identifying synergies among construction industry organizations to promote the use of spray foam applications along with related companies involved in equipment, protective coatings, inspections, and surface preparations.

SPFA’s Professional Certification Program (PCP) – Credentialed certification ensures contractors and suppliers utilize best practices and risk management protocols, by accessing an ISO 17024 compliant program with standards that are internationally recognized and developed by spray foam industry professionals. SPFA’s PCP program also gives companies a significant competitive advantage.

Frank Mortl III, CAE

Legislative Advocacy Efforts – Local and federal legislation, regulations, and government affairs impact a contractor’s ability to conduct business. SPFA’s advocacy efforts will continue the opportunity for members to join with us and create a stronger collective voice for positive outcomes.

Member Engagement – SPFA benefits include technical guidance, education, advocacy efforts, certifications, health and safety resources, members-only discount programs, as well as the annual SprayFoam Convention & Expo. Everyone in the industry should be taking advantage of these offerings where “buying power” aligns with group participation. More to come regarding testimonials from members who credit SPFA with growing their business to a very large degree!

This is a dynamic organization. As our members are well aware, SPFA never takes a breather in terms of delivering superior benefits and services while also consistently striving to develop innovative programming that will advance this very important construction trade. Your SPFA staff and volunteer leadership teams are committed to maximizing value propositions for all of the contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and stakeholders we serve.  

I am honored to work on behalf of the spray foam industry and look forward to improving the working conditions of all SPFA members. A blueprint for spray foam companies to realize considerable advancements in the field has been strategically developed by your SPFA member peers. Maximizing SPFA member benefits allows for a competitive edge to be realized, particularly in this challenging economic environment. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to join this thrilling ride.  

About the Author  Frank Mortl III, CAE is the Executive Director of the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA), the industry’s leading organization representing contractors, material and equipment manufacturers, distributors and industry consultants. Please visit sprayfoam.org for more information.

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