SES Foam Stresses the Importance of Adhering to Chemical Processing Guidelines

SPRING, TX – December 14, 2015 – Chemical processing parameters are essential for the proper application of spray polyurethane foam, ensuring that installation performance is maximized and the end product is installed as specified. When it comes to disseminating guidelines for the chemical processing of their products, manufacturers use a few different avenues: affixing processing parameters on chemical drums, providing technical data sheets that describe the correct processing of the material, and educating contractors in person during training sessions. So what exactly do these processing parameters entail? The specifics are essentially propriety to each manufacturer, but there are some high-level considerations worth exploring, as failing to follow the fundamentals can prove disastrous.
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RELATED Graco Introduces Reactor® A-XP1 Plural-Component Sprayer, BPI Sponsors 16-City Proof is Possible Tour, Touch 'n Seal Reveals the Robust Capabilities of One-Component Foam Sealants
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