Philadelphia Phillies' Pitcher Using Spray Foam to Update Home

Philadelphia Phillies' Pitcher Using Spray Foam to Update Home

CHESTER COUNTY, PA - April 27, 2011 - The housing industry in the U.S. is still reeling from the effects of the recession, but homeowners are increasingly performing their own updates to their homes as they look to increase their value while they wait out the slumping market. Ryan Madson of the Philadelphia Phillies is currently building his own energy efficiency home with tools like spray foam, the MLB team reports on its website.

Madson, a pitcher who will be a free agent at the end of this season, is currently constructing an environmentally friendly home in Chester County, Pennsylvania. When asked why he chose to construct a home that adheres to strict energy efficiency standards, Madson said he and his family "did it because it's the right thing to do."

Moreover, the work helps to cut greenhouse gas emissions, Madson affirmed. "It reduces your carbon footprint. Everybody can lower their carbon footprint. And forget about the carbon footprint for a second - it saves you money," Madson asserted.

The home's renovations include upgrades to its framework, Madson said. Contractors are also employing soybean-based spray foam insulation throughout the home to shore up any leaks and cracks around doors and windows, and in the foundation or crawl spaces in the attic. Energy saving lighting, high efficiency windows and a geothermal heating and cooling system are also being installed.

"We're building the house right," Madson said. "Your revolving costs of owning a house, they're a third of the price. Instead of paying $1,200 a month or whatever for utilities, they're going to be $400 a month. In the long run, you're going to save money."

Added On: Apr 26, 2011
Categories: Spray Foam Contractors, Foam Systems
Tags: Foam Spray Application

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