Master Pack Releases New Model Portable Proportioner Foam Dispenser

Master Pack Releases New Model Portable Proportioner Foam Dispenser

Master Pack announces itsnew Model PPFD (Portable Proportioner Foam Dispenser).  The new commercial series Foam Dispenser produces 20-lbs of product per minute.  Moreover, the revolutionary “Air Mix” Foam System is considerably less expensive than the standard “mechanical mix”.

To illustrate the production capability of the equipment (see video), a local concrete company choose to insulate their water tanks versus continuing to “chill the water” prior to dispensing into their “cement mixers”.  The water has to maintain a 40° +/- 5° temperature in order to insure a high quality of cement and for cement to perform properly.

Prior to foam insulation, the “water chiller” had to continuously operate 24 hours per day to achieve proper temperature. After applying Spray Foam Insulation 3.5 inches thick, chiller was disconnected for approximately one week with the results of only a 5 degree temperature difference.  Customer was able to save a one week energy bill of 5 water tanks.  This resulted in a “significant” energy savings over years and months to come.

Visit Master Pack's website and video at to see a depiction of the spray foam application of water tanks. 

Call (949) 487-2068 today for a quote.

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