IFTI's DC315 Intumescent Coating Meets Ontario Building Code

IRVINE, CA – March 31, 2017 – International Fireproof Technology, Inc., (IFTI) the manufacturers of DC 315, announced today the issuance of a Ministers Ruling 17-04-341 confirming that DC 315 meets the Ontario Building Code.
The Minister of Municipal Affairs may make Rulings approving the use of innovative materials, systems, or building designs evaluated by a materials evaluation body designated in Ontario’s Building Code. The Canadian Construction Materials Centre (the “CCMC”) has been designated in Ontario’s Building Code as a materials evaluation body for the purposes of Rulings by the Minister.
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As the CCMC Evaluation Report 14036-R for DC315 summarizes the qualities of the product and offers an opinion on the suitability of a product to meet the thermal barrier required by Code, the Minister has issued this ruling as a statement of Code Compliance for Ontario. This ruling allows AHJ’s to approve the use of DC315 with the confidence that it has been fully evaluated with respect to its ability to meet code requirements.
About International Fireproof Technology, Inc.: IFTI manufactures state-of-the-art intumescent fire retardants and thermal barrier coatings. Designed and tested for the global market, IFTI's products are widely used in hospitals, restaurants, nursing facilities, commercial buildings, and residential homes. IFTI's products, including DC 315, fall under the Paint to Protect brand, and have been developed to provide superior cost-effective fire protection over spray polyurethane foam. For more information, please use the contact details or visit their website. - See more at: DC 315 Ministers Ruling of Ontario Canada

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