Seattle Homes built with Spray Foam Given LEED Platinum Certification

Seattle Homes built with Spray Foam Given LEED Platinum Certification

SEATTLE, WA - April 15, 2011 - Like any industry, housing has its share of trends that sweep through each year. Though the housing market has taken a beating from the financial crisis and the subsequent plummet in home sales, homebuilders have reported an uptick in demand for houses that during construction adhered to the strictest environmental codes.

The LEED Platinum certification is bestowed upon homes that meet certain environmental guidelines. The measurement is based on a 100-point scale and homebuilders must adhere to the metric's strict rules to have their homes certified as gold and platinum - the two highest rankings - by the U.S. Green Building Council.

In Seattle, Washington, there are a number of homes that meet the LEED Platinum certification thanks to a population that is environmentally conscious. Nonetheless, an LEED Platinum certification not only ensures that a home is environmentally friendly, but it is also a solid indicator of utility costs as these homes are built to lower electricity and heating and air conditioning bills.

Coates Design Architects in Washington state recently finished the construction of a group of homes outside Seattle that are certified as LEED Platinum. According to the design firm's owners, Ed and JoAnne Ellis, they wanted to create homes that are modern and green. In total, the new energy efficient homes consume nearly 70 percent less energy than a standard American house.

How, though, were the homes made to produce such significant cost savings? According to Ed Ellis, they used FSC-certified wood framing and sheathing and installed photovoltaic systems at the homes as a source of clean energy generation. Also, they used insulating spray foam to shore up the cracks and leaks that sprung up around doors and windows, and in the foundation.

Ellis affirms that leaks and cracks in a home often contribute to higher energy costs as hot and cold readily escapes from the spaces. Expanding spray foam is a relatively inexpensive solution to the problem as it readily clogs those holes and traps air in a home. As a result, homeowners don't have to pump up their air conditioning or heating - depending on the time of year - to compensate for the lost energy.

The newest batch of homes from the Washington-based design team has not only garnered an LEED Platinum certification, but also an Honorable Mention from Seattle Homes & Lifestyles for "Bath of the Year," illustrating that environmentally friendly homes can be just as aesthetically pleasing as their standard counterparts.

Added On: Apr 14, 2011
Categories: Spray Foam Contractors, Foam Systems
Tags: Foam Spray Application

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