ICC-ES ESR# 3702 Verifies that IFTI's DC315 Meets Code Requirements

IRVINE, CA – February 5, 2016 – DC315, manufactured by International Fireproof Technology Inc., recently received an evaluation report ESR# 3702 from ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), providing evidence that the DC315 Alternative Thermal Barrier Coating meets code requirements and is AC456-compliant. Building officials, architects, contractors, specifiers, designers and others utilize ICC-ES Evaluation Reports to provide a basis for using or approving DC315 in construction projects under the International Building Code.
ICC-ES President Shahin Moinian explains why ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are so important. "International Fireproof Technology can now reference the evaluation report to assure building officials and the building industry that the product meets I-Code requirements," Moinian says. "Building departments have a long history of using evaluation reports, and ICC-ES operates as a technical resource with the highest quality of product review for the building department. Final approval of building products is always in the hands of the local regulatory agency."
"We are excited that IFTI – DC315 once again leads the SPF-Coating Industry, providing undeniable proof that DC315 meets the code requirements and is AC456-compliant," states Gary Wolfe, Executive Vice President of IFTI."Our goal has always been to provide building officials, contractors, architects, specifiers and end users third-party proof of our compliance to "Today's and Tomorrow's Codes", and nothing says it better than an ICC-ES Report."
ICC-ES thoroughly examined International Fireproof Technology's product information, test reports, calculations, quality control methods, and other factors to ensure the product is code-compliant.
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