Efficiency & Elegance

Efficiency & Elegance
Magazine View

SPRAY FOAM MAGAZINE – Wyoming is known for its hot springs, scenic state parks, cowboys, and bull riding. Nicknamed the Equality State, due to it being the first state to grant women the right to vote, it plays a large part in United States history. Wyoming’s population is one of the lowest in the nation, however, there is one SPF company that proudly travels and serves a 200-mile radius. Their work covers pole barns, retro residential, along with residential homes and commercial buildings reaching values of $20 million plus. To attain these impressive projects, over such a vast terrain, takes organization and determination, but who is capable of such a feat?

High Country Solutions has a reputation for delivering top-quality services for residential and commercial properties. They use their knowledge and expertise of building science to deliver customized and efficient insulation packages for airsealed envelopes. Owner and operator, Skeeter Aimone, started his career as a mechanic in the oil and gas field before he entered the SPF industry. His right hand man and manager, Brad Morrison, was originally in financial services.

After a mere five years, High Country Solutions are undertaking gigantic jobs in Jackson Hole Wyoming, which happens to have the largest per capita of billionaire property owners in the country. Aimone has cracked into this market of prosperity with great success and is now the leading spray foam provider for Jackson Hole and the surrounding area. He has done everything from apartment complex insulation, commercial roofing foam projects, and massive residential homes, some as large as 20,000 sq.ft.

The dynamic of focused wealth in this area could be attributed to the limited private land. This is due to federal ownership of national parks and forests which in turn has a knock-on effect and pushes up real-estate demand.

Aimone launched High Country Solution in 2018 after recognizing, at the time, that no one in the area had a spray foam business. He also acknowledged that the new technology with the benefits of spray foam and the demand for energy savings is increasingly in demand. Aimone was quick to hire Morrison because he recognized his advanced logistical, practical, and financial skills. However, that admiration did not materialize until later in life. As teenagers they went to competing schools and were childhood rivals who despised each other. After they graduated, Aimone went to tech school in Utah and Morrison attended Utah State University.

The HCS team works on a wide variety of homes for business owners, NFL stars, movie stars, and successful family homes, like the one here (TOP: during construction; BOTTOM: project near completion)

The years passed and Aimone and Morrison reconnected, and with maturity, they soon realized they both weren’t too bad after all. The business and their friendship both seem to work well because Aimone and Morrison are complete opposites, with Aimone knowing the mechanics of the operation and how everything works, and Morrison being more visual and logical.

Aimone’s business is a big success. He hit the market at the right time and his knowledge and experience of SPF and insulation was exactly what builders and architects in the area needed. He currently has three full crews, equaling six employees and runs three spray rigs, with a fourth on the way. The rigs have PMC PH-2 proportioners and are equipped to do all spray foam, poly, and specialty waterproofing work. Additionally, Aimone has two fiberglass trailers for those clients wanting a hybrid insulation system.

HCS applied 3" of NCFI 1.7 closed-cell foam to this log cabin in the Tetons of Wyoming.

On questioning both Aimone and Morrison if they get behind the gun and spray, they both laugh and reply, “Only when we are needed. Otherwise we rely on our trained crews to get the jobs done.” Joking aside, both can spray and made sure that they were well trained through Profoam Corp’s training class, who also built their first trailer. They also trained at IDI. The two were applicators themselves for at least a year and a half before they hired additional crew and highlighted, “A lot of our knowledge also came from the school of hard knocks and through relationships formed within the SPF industry, who are really like a big family which offers guidance and advice,” states Aimone.

Due to the crews covering a vast terrain, logistics are essential to make sure things run smoothly. They have a company house in Thayne, Wyoming, so when they are working up in Jackson Hole, they have all the crews stay there. “We usually leave on a Monday morning and come back on a Thursday night. We also have a shop in Alpine, a shop in Mountain View and we plan on putting additional locations throughout the 200-mile radius,” clarifies Morrison.

High Country Solution’s company ethos is to help create high performing healthy homes. This is done through reducing humidity levels and drastic temperature changes between rooms, resulting in a higher level of comfort, while helping clients find an option that looks great and saves them money. From spray foam insulation, removal and repair, and concrete coatings, this really is a busy company.

“We are very relationship orientated from the builders we work with to our clients. We take a lot of pride in our customer service, which is the best around. We always make a point of meeting a potential client in person, walk them through the process, and answer any questions they may have. We also spend time educating people on the science of the material. People really do appreciate the personal touch. We then do a follow-up to make sure everything is good after a project has been completed,” confirms Aimone.

Both Aimone and Morrison are married, and Aimone has three children, Morrison four. Their children are roughly the same age and love to get together. “Like me, they love to get together and break more stuff,” jokes Aimone. “Our wives are great. It’s a long week for them, but we make it up with a long weekend,” adds Morrison.

The Spray Foam Magazine Team (SFMT) is in awe of their hard work, determination to grow the business, and their pure passion for educating others about SPF. Throughout the interview, Aimone and Morrison continuously crack jokes and show their fun side. Whoever said work was boring, obviously have not spent time with these guys. They know their stuff, deliver to an exceptional standard and all with a smile, and a big plan for even greater things in their back pockets. It’s no surprise that their talent and ambitious mindsets have been embraced by the builders and architects who design some of the most impressive and expensive homes in the U.S.

For use by SprayFoamMagazine.com & Spray Foam Magazine

TOP: Brad and Skeeter enjoying some down time between jobs on a hunting trip; MIDDLE: The HCS crew (L to R) Conner, Dillon, Dewie, Cam, Dustin, Brad ,and Skeeter; BOTTOM: HCS working through the elements of Wyoming

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