Industry’s Latest, Greatest Highlight Sprayfoam 2015

Industry’s Latest, Greatest Highlight Sprayfoam 2015

ALBUQUERQUE, NM–January 30, 2015–The excitement generated by Keynote Speaker Ty Pennington carried throughout every part of Sprayfoam 2015, and that energy was particularly visible on the tradeshow floor. Roughly 80 exhibitors sprawled across Hall 3 of the Albuquerque Convention Center, featuring a wide array of products and services. Contractors, Suppliers, and, for the first time, the general public were able to scope out the latest insulation products, spray equipment, accessories, and technology currently shaping the industry. Pennington also made an appearance in Lapolla’s booth.

After the first day of the Expo came to an end, after-hours activities included VIP events hosted by Gaco Western and SWD Urethane, the latter being an all-out rockstar-themed bash that took over one of the major bars on Albuquerque’s Central Avenue.

During Day 2’s General Session, IAL Consultants’ Hanne Hirsimaki gave the audience “A Global View of the SPF Industry” with a presentation about spray foam’s ever-increasing worldwide significance. While global opportunities abound, there are still some challenges to overcome before spray foam can attain a controlling share of the insulation market.

Festivities concluded at the closing reception, where attendees were treated to good eating and a unique live percussion performance. Also, attendees had their fingers crossed during the prize drawing, in which they used their challenge coins, which were handed out for the second consecutive year, to vie for highly sought after prizes like iPads and TV’s.

Just as the convention came to a close, a storm moved in over the Rio Grande Valley, covering Albuquerque in a light coat of snow and reminding many of the attendees just how difficult it is to completely escape winter. However, that won’t be a problem in 2016, as the convention will be held in Orlando, Florida.

By: Ryan Spencer on Jan 30, 2015
Categories: Foam Systems
Tags: spray foam industry

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