SWD Urethane Demonstrates Extreme Cold-Temp SPF Insulation

SWD Urethane Demonstrates Extreme Cold-Temp SPF Insulation

Back in February, SWD Urethane demonstrated their Quik-Shield 112-XC spray foam insulation at the SPFA convention in Reno, NV. SWD Quik-Shield 112XC may be applied to substrates as cold as 15 degrees.

This formulation of the Quik-Shield 112 is ideal for SPF insulation contractors who are seeking to extend their insulation season through the winter, claims the manufacturer. The product demonstration was held outside in an unheated tent at 6am on February 10th, 2011 with an air temperature of less than 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

The 112XC was sprayed to a 21 degree substrate, and fully adhered without any popping or cracking. Roughly 35 people attended the event which featured the latest spray rig from Kevin Distributing.

Quik-Shield 112 is ICC approved and has been recently been awarded the GREENGUARD Children & Schools Certification. SWD Quik-Shield 112 passed AC 377-NFPA 286 Appendix X without ignition barrier which eliminates significant costs for attic and crawl space areas.

SWD Quik-Shield 112XC is environmentally friendly. It contains no urea formaldahyde, no CFC's or HCFC's, it is a low VOC material and has no adverse impact on ozone layer. The product contains more than 15% recycled/renewable content.

SWD President Jim Perkins stated, "SWD Quik-Shield 112XC is unsurpassed as a cold weather foam. It will definitely help any insulator extend their production this winter."

Further information can be found at www.swdurethane.com or by calling 800-977-7457

Added On: Apr 01, 2011
Categories: Foam Systems
Tags: spray foam industry

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