President Obama Unveils New Green Building Initiative

President Obama Unveils New Green Building Initiative

UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA - February 10, 2011 - The White House announced its new green building initiative at Pennsylvania State University last week, saying that the Obama administration is committed to supporting and promoting the cause of sustainable construction.

Obama has proposed legislation called "HOMESTAR," which aims to improve the efficiency of commercial buildings by 20 percent, reduce enterprise electric bills by $40 billion annually and provide tax incentives for efficiency programs.

After a tour of laboratories that are researching new ways to make structures more efficient, the president said, "these are places where the future will be won. These are the places where the new jobs and the world’s best businesses will take root."

While tax incentives and improved financing opportunities through the Small Business Administration are a major part of the president's plans, he may face some political opposition as the Republican-controlled House of Representatives flexes its legislative muscle against rising deficits.

With or without government support, though, more and more businesses and builders are seeing the benefits of energy efficiency technologies like LED lighting and spray foam insulation. As the price of oil and energy continues to climb, the benefits of tightly insulated buildings running at peak efficiency become clearer every day.

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Added On: Feb 07, 2011
Categories: Thermal Imaging, Foam Systems
Tags: Energy & Building Sciences

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