InsulStar 1.7 SmartSPF – NCFI

The latest product from NCFI’s labs is the optimization of its economical closed-cell 1.7 lb. HFO foam in the popular InsulStar product line. “The goal is to constantly review and test our products to the R-value, sprayability, consistency, and yield,” says Mitch Clifton, EVP of NCFI’s Construction Foam Division. “We’ve optimized our popular 1.7 SmartSPF to extend its already impressive yield and improve its spray performance in colder climates.”
InsulStar 1.7 SmartSPF closed-cell foam was the first commercially viable alternative to the standard 2.0 lb. in the U.S. market and has an amazing R-value of 7.1 at one inch. Clifton says contractors report the newly optimized 1.7 SmartSPF’s beta testing some of the highest yields in the industry. “We’re getting great numbers that give the contractors a good tool for extra income and structures excellent insulation and air quality.”
Product Highlights:
• Significant savings on monthly energy bills.
• Provides superior R-value of 7.1 at one inch, reducing both heating and cooling costs.
• Creates an air barrier that aids in eliminating leaks and energy loss.
• Provides a vapor retarder that controls moisture problems.
• Improves indoor air quality by helping block dust and pollutants.
• Reduces outside noise by helping create a seamless, airtight, insulated barrier.
• Strengthens walls and increases overall structural integrity by adhering and bonding to the wall surface.
• Provides secondary water barrier.
• FEMA Class 5 Flood-Resistant Material.
• UES ER 667 Code Compliance Report available.