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Posted: Jul 08, 2009 07:08 PM
Join SPFA Attic & Crawl Taskforce
I would encourage you all to join the SPFA if you are current members and join the Attic and Crawlspace task force. The only way that we will be able to change this code is to join the group that's directing it. They have a conference call meeting tomorrow. Join now and get on the task force to voice your opinion or support others of us who are voicing our opinions.

We have a voice and a say in how things go and if we don't have as many of us on the task force as possible, how can we expect it to benefit us?

Just contact Rick Duncan of the SPFA at:
rickduncan@sprayfoam.org if you're already a member. If you're not a member, then I join and request to be a meber of the task force!

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