
  • A Letter from NCFI Polyurethanes

    • By NCFI Polyurethanes
    • Added on Jul 15, 2024

    Has it really been 60 years already? Seems like only yesterday one of our founders was working on the Manhattan project, then on the team that discovered polyurethanes, then joined with the Barnhardt family to open NCFI Polyurethanes. read more

  • NCFI'S Terra-LOK "Bales" Out Texas Cotton Gin

    • By NCFI Geotechnical Polyurethanes
    • Added on Dec 20, 2023

    West Texas is no stranger to water troubles. This water problem however wasn’t too little in the growing fields, but too much in the cotton gin where cotton harvested from the field is mechanically cleaned. One of the largest cotton gins in what is being called by some "the capital of certified U.S. organic cotton," the King Mesa Gin in Lamesa, had a groundwater intrusion problem in the basement area called the “press pit.” read more

  • Up & Running

    • By Ashley Brooks
    • Added on Nov 30, 2023

    Ohio State University (OSU), home of the Buckeyes, is heralded as a national champion in athletics like baseball, football, and basketball. OSU’s culture takes sports and athletics seriously, so when school administrators noticed the indoor track at Ohio State University’s French Field House was experiencing problems caused by subsurface erosion, they knew it was time to call in professionals to solve the problem once and for all. read more

  • NCFI Polyurethanes Announces Pending Sale

    • By NCFI
    • Added on Nov 15, 2023

    NCFI Polyurethanes, a member of the Barnhardt Family of companies, announced today they have entered into an agreement with Richmond, VA-based Carpenter Co. for the divestiture of NCFI’s Consumer Products Division, pursuant to terms and conditions, with a target date of December 1, 2023, for closing. read more

  • NCFI Geotech Polyurethane Foam to Save the Day

    • By NCFI
    • Added on Oct 18, 2023

    A global provider of juice concentrates, fruit blends, and purees was getting squeezed. A broken concrete drainage line beneath Prodalim USA’s Ocoee, Florida facility caused erosion under the factory that endangered the line. Prodalim USA talked to a concrete company who referred Slab Fix, an Orlando-based company specializing in concrete repair and rehabilitation. read more

  • Holding Out for a Hero

    • By Danielle Macdonald
    • Added on Sep 29, 2022

    Michael Delfino Jr. is part owner of Delfino Insulation, a family owned and operated business since 1955. The company started with a small pickup truck and garage, with Michael Delfino Sr. at the helm. Together with his sons and grandchildren, Delfino Insulation has since grown into a multi-faceted, insulation company with a reputation of going beyond the responsibilities of a typical subcontractor. read more

  • Remediation, Renovation & Repair

    • By Mitch Clifton, EVP Construction Foam, NCFI
    • Added on Aug 01, 2022

    There may be no more important decision to building owners than the integrity of their building’s roof. Of course, there may be no more overlooked choice than roofing material either. Usually, the type of material is dictated by the design of the building and may be spec’d by the architect or designer, however sometimes the contractor makes the choice. read more

  • NCFI Geotechnical Adds Two Industry Veterans to Their Sales Team

    • By NCFI
    • Added on Nov 26, 2021

    Over the past year we have searched high and low for sales territory mangers for our Western and Northeastern US regions, and we are excited to announce we have added two extraordinary individuals to our team. Please welcome Steve Barnes and Clifton Westlake to the NCFI Geotechnical Team! read more