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temps for 1.7lb???? Post New Topic | Post Reply

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Craig Maturi
Posted: Mar 23, 2007 08:23 PM
temps for 1.7lb????
what is everyone spraying there 2lb for temps? i live in minnesota, it is about 50F now. also at what pressure? i am using an E20.
Thomas Kasper
Posted: Mar 23, 2007 08:48 PM
1,200 psi
120 deg
Posted: Mar 23, 2007 08:56 PM
Pressure 1100
Temperature started today at 135 on A,B and hose. Dropped down to 125 on A,B and hose by the middle of the day. I have an E-20 so it may not even actually be that high due to the low delta T (just indicated on the display).

Everyone says that is too hot but it works for my foam and my equipment.

Granite State Spray Foam Co.
Craig Maturi
Posted: Mar 23, 2007 09:51 PM
what are you heating barrels to prior to spraying????
Posted: Mar 23, 2007 09:56 PM
I haven't been using the band heaters. I just recirculate for 10-15 minutes while the hose warms up then I spray. It has been in the low 40's the last couple mornings.

Granite State Spray Foam Co.

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