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Anyone using a Thermal Camera? Post New Topic | Post Reply

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Gerry Wagoner
Posted: Apr 17, 2007 10:14 AM
Anyone using a Thermal Camera?
I have been considering purchasing a FLIR camera. Do any of you have experience with infra-red cameras?

What works?
What doesn't?

Will a roofing camera work for insulation images and vice-versa?

David Hanson
Posted: May 22, 2007 10:08 AM
I could not justify the cost of the Camera, even buying used on ebay. I bought a point and shoot IR temp gun. It helped me identify some of the issues in the foam istallation that I had, that were not visible from the outer surface. It took more time with the gun than the camera, but it was 1/1000 the cost.
Gerry Wagoner
Posted: May 22, 2007 10:33 AM

Doug Commette
Posted: May 23, 2007 08:03 AM
We met with a company who makes a thermal camera not too long ago. Thinking of distributing them through the site as an added service and revenue stream in support of the SPF industry. Real Cool Product!! Found out some interesting things though. For one - they are in the $6k price range. Second - they need a temperature differential to work - meaning that if the outside temperature is the same as the inside temperature, your screen will not display any thermal gradient. Certain days, weather conditions and temperature situations can render these cameras less effective. However - all of this said - they are very powerful tools for QA and selling.

We at sprayfoammagazine.com think thermal cameras will play an integral part in the future success of the SPF business. We feel their power play will be on the sales side - come into an existing structure with an energy/air leakage audit. Show thermals from the last before and after job and wala - SprayFoam is the best!!!

In time this technology - like all others - will become more affordable. The cameras have already come down from 15k to 6k.

Although we have started marketing the cameras yet we do have a source we would be happy to share with you all.
Gerry Wagoner
Posted: May 23, 2007 09:08 AM
Coolness. We'll all have them one day.

The next step in technology will be x-ray goggles of some sort.


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